Books by Jung Chang (2)


Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister : Three Women at the Heart of Twentieth-Century China by Jung Chang EN

Rating: 3 (1 vote)
Country: Asia / China flag China
Meet the three women who helped shape the course of modern Chinese history. This major new biography from the internationally bestselling author of Wild Swans is a gripping story of sisterhood, revolution, betrayal. They were the most famous sisters in China. As the country battled seismic transformations these three women left an indelible mark on history. Red Sister rose to be Mao's vice-chair. Little Sister became first lady of pre-Communist Nationalist China. Big Sister made herself one of country's richest women. Big Sister, Little Sister, Red Sister takes us on a sweeping journey from ex... continue


Wild Swans : Three Daughters of China by Jung Chang EN

Rating: 4 (13 votes)
Country: Asia / China flag China
The story of three generations in twentieth-century China that blends the intimacy of memoir and the panoramic sweep of eyewitness history—a bestselling classic in thirty languages with more than ten million copies sold around the world, now with a new introduction from the author. An engrossing record of Mao’s impact on China, an unusual window on the female experience in the modern world, and an inspiring tale of courage and love, Jung Chang describes the extraordinary lives and experiences of her family members: her grandmother, a warlord’s concubine; her mother’s struggles as a young ideal... continue